Category Archives: Admin
Welcome to December in Wyoming!
Windy weather as we write this post! It’s a busy month for everybody – so stay safe out there!
Introducing Cheyenne Lions Clubs Community News and Notes
Check out our new newsletter, a free downloadable PDF. First issue available here! The three Lions clubs in Cheyenne (Sunrise, which meets at 6:30 am, Noon, which meets at noon, and Frontier, which meets at 6:30 pm) have launched a … Continue reading
History of the Cheyenne Noon Lions
Dave Orr of the Lions of Wyoming Foundation interviewed Bonnie Harrison president of the Noon Lions Club, about the 100-year history of the club. Below is the Youtube video of the interview: Click here to watch the interview on YouTube
Welcome to the Cheyenne Noon Lions Club
Welcome to the official blog of the Cheyenne Noon Lions Club. We will do our best to keep both Lions and members of our community updated with event of our club, and of the Lions in general!